Are you thinking about constructing an all-weather equestrian riding arena, manege, gallop or any type of exercise area? We advise our clients that thorough ground preparation and the use of high quality suitable surfaces is the key to high-quality safe surfaces. A typical arena surface construction will consist of a drainage system, a sub-base, a silica sand surface and finally a crumb rubber topping. Crossmore Tyre Recycling produce a high quality crumb rubber product in our state of the art factory in County Cork. We pride ourselves on being in control of every stage of the process – from material selection, quality, packaging, stock control and logistics.
We can offer advice on your individual project and also specialise in the design and construction of arenas according to the individual needs of our clien ts, including groundwork, drainage, build and supply and fit of crumb rubber, sand and stone. Our work is fully guaranteed and finished to the highest of standard.